Working Mom Moments | Work Life Balance, Energy, Stress, Career, Time Management, Mom Guilt

Are you struggling to find a better work life balance? Do you feel overwhelmed with the mental load of being a working mom? Want more time for rest and time for yourself? Would you like to finally find peace as a working mom without shame and guilt? Are you ready to create the life you want as a working mom? I’m so excited you’re here! This podcast will help you own your schedule, be more present at home, increase career fulfillment, reduce guilt and stress - and create time for you. Hey there, I’m Lacy. As a working mom of four boys, a wife and career executive, I know the stress that comes with pursuing a career in tandem with motherhood. While raising our crew alongside my husband, I held a variety of individual contributor and executive roles in both startup and corporate environments. Being a working mom is hard. At times I felt like I had it all together and other times, I felt like I was letting everyone down. I found myself chasing perfection and the elusive work life balance we’ve been conditioned to pursue. I was treading water and felt like I was letting everyone down. I finally realized I needed to shift my mindset and the lens with which I viewed my relationship with work and motherhood. To do this, I had to get clarity on several aspects of life and surround myself with people that supported me. I needed to recognize the moments - both good and frustrating - that made me who I am and shake the guilt that comes with perfectionism. In essence, I needed to get unstuck in order to create a life I truly enjoyed at home and at work. In this podcast, you will find time saving solutions, motivation for the hard days, and a roadmap to mindset transformation. I’m honored to share many of these reflection points and introduce you to some amazing working moms who will impart their perspectives, all while having some fun along the way! If you’re ready to thrive as a working mom, creating flexibility and the life you’ve always dreamed of, you’re in the right place! Block off this time on your calendar as a meeting with yourself, and let’s dig in! Find more information at StoryMoments, LLC ***Podcast Listener Special*** Grab your own one-on-one, unstuck session with me, along with a free gift! Once you book your clarity session, you’ll be gifted a complementary Working Genius Assessment to help kick off our conversation. Grab time on my calendar today!

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Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

As a working mom, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of commitments and obligations. From professional responsibilities to personal goals, we often find ourselves juggling an endless list of tasks.
In the midst of the chaos, it’s important to recognize the importance of pausing, reflecting, and reprioritizing. Sometimes in our careers we take a step back, while other times we take a huge leap forward. Similarly, as our children grow, we find ourselves in phases where we can lean into our career because of their independence and other times when they simply need more time and energy from us.
Through it all, though, remember why you started. What was your dream? The one that gets you energized and out of bed thinking about? Don't lose sight of your dream...even if you need to hit pause for a moment.
I am living proof that pause does not coincide with failure. A pause in life doesn't have to be goodbye or a pivot, it can simply be a holding place. 
Thank you, truly, for letting me be part of your working mom journey this past year. It's time for me to hit pause on an area of life, to focus on others. You have been the best community and I look forward to coming back on air to connect with you in the future.
Don't Quit Your Daydream.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday May 28, 2024

The Silent Struggle: Why Working Moms Hesitate to Ask for Help
In today's fast-paced, achievement-oriented society, working moms face a unique and often overwhelming set of challenges. Juggling careers, households, parenting, and personal ambitions requires an extraordinary level of dedication and resilience. Despite all of the concentrated efforts, many find it difficult to ask for help. This reluctance is often rooted in a complex interplay of societal expectations, internalized beliefs, and practical concerns.
The reality of asking for help is often vastly different from our internal fears and assumptions about how others will perceive us. This discrepancy can be understood through a phenomenon known as the "Spotlight Effect" and also relates to concepts like "Impostor Syndrome."
Working moms might feel that asking for help will expose them as inadequate or unfit for their roles, even if this is far from the truth. They might believe others will see them as failing to meet their responsibilities, while in reality, others might see them as strong for recognizing and addressing their needs.
Ready to grow past the difficulty of asking for help? Let's dive in!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday May 21, 2024

You put boundaries in place to protect your time and priorities...but why does it seem like you're living in hustle culture, treading water and barely keeping up? Weren't those boundaries to keep us from getting to this pace of life in the first place?
If you're anything like me, you think you're coming at life from a strategic perspective where you're making decisions that are best for your time and family. But more often than not, we find small pockets of decisions that need to be made that can compromise the well intended parameters. Before we know it, we're living life in a dead-out sprint rather than a sustainable jog. 
We're frustrated, overwhelmed and feeling like the busyness is getting the better of us. 
If this sounds like you, know that you're in good company. We all start out with great intentions, but somewhere between decision and action...we can easily get diverted. If you're living life in the fast lane even though you've set your boundaries...this episode is for you.
Let's dive in!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday May 14, 2024

One of the most common frustrations for the working moms I talk with, is centered around not having enough time. Have you ever said any of the following:
There's never enough time in the day
There's not enough time to get it all done
There's never enough time for me to do anything for myself
There's not even enough time to get in quality sleep
I can't find the time to be a wife, mom, employee and take care of myself
I'm not spending as much time with my kids as I would like
If any of these lines sound like something that's ran across your thoughts before, you are not alone. In fact, this episode is for you. 
In this episode, I share the three things I'm loving right now that help me better manage my time and that I can spend it in areas that I'd rather prioritize.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday May 07, 2024

Ever had one of those moments that replayed over and over in your mind? Before you know it, you've become consumed with what happened, what you could have done or said differently, and how other's must have perceived you?
Welcome to the overthinking club!
Overthinking so often leads to feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. And guess what, we have resources to help us dig our way out of this negative pattern! 
In today's episode we're talking about two strategies to help you refocus and on what's important and stop the talk tracks happening in your mind once and for all (or at least put them on pause for a while).
Let's get ready to dive on in!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Ever find yourself trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts, endlessly analyzing situations until your brain feels like mush?
You're not alone.
Overthinking has become somewhat of an epidemic among women today, and I've certainly felt its grip tightening around my mind more one too many times. What I’ve learned is the distinct correlation between overthinking, overwhelm and exhaustion.
Today, we're walking through exactly what it is and how the mind is connected to the body. If you consider yourself an over-thinker...this episode is for you!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

Have you ever found yourself thinking that the grass must be greener on the other side of the fence? 
Whether that grass resembles the idea of a new job or dreaming of a better marriage...we often look to big changes that can give us satisfaction.
Sometimes, though, the grass is actually green where we're at, and we only need to make a few minor modifications to live the life we've always dreamed. 
Join me as we walk through an unconventional approach to boundaries. If you're looking to reduce the stress, guilt and time lost...this episode is for you.
Let's go!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

We've been told working moms can have it all...but is that really true? 
On today's episode, we're looking at this notion from several viewpoints. 
What does "having it all" mean to you? And how can you achieve it?
Pop in those earbuds and let's dig in!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

It's time to get real about your time. So often, we are upholding obligations and priorities of other people without much consideration to their impact on our own schedules. We carry the expectations of others or what we think we "should" be doing as working moms...and before we know it, we're spending time in areas we never would have chosen.
In today's episode, we're talking through how you can identify opportunities to shed others' priorities and expectations in order to get more time back in your day. I'll also be sharing one of my favorite methods that can help you analyze just where your time is being spent in order to dig into the "why".
If you're ready to take control of your schedule and own your time - this episode is for you!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Have you ever told yourself....
If I wear the right clothes, I'll be taken seriously?
If I work a certain way, I'll finally get that promotion?
If I do all the things as a mom, I'll be a great mom?
We tell ourselves a lot of stories, but rarely do we consider what we'd do if there were no expectations, pressures or judgement being placed on us. 
Who are you as a working mom outside of everyone else's expectations? It's an important question to ask...and one we're diving into on today's episode. Time to get real with who you are as a working mom and what you truly want.
Let's dive in!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here. 

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