Working Mom Moments | Work Life Balance, Energy, Stress, Career, Time Management, Mom Guilt
Are you running a marathon at sprint speed, juggling career deadlines, family dinners, and that ever-elusive ”me time”? Welcome to Working Mom Moments, where we turn chaos into clarity and overwhelm into opportunity! I’m Lacy Jungman, corporate executive and mom of four boys. I understand what it’s like to feel overwhelmed with the mental load of being a working mom. I used to think constant exhaustion and stress were just part of the deal. But here’s the truth I discovered: getting stuck in that mindset was holding me back from creating the life I actually wanted. That’s exactly why I created this show. In this podcast, you will find: *Real-world solutions that actually work *Conversations with women at varying stages of working motherhood *Skills that apply both at home and at work *Time-saving strategies and motivation for the hard days *A roadmap to mindset transformation While raising our boys alongside my husband, I’ve held various individual contributor and executive roles in both startup and corporate environments. I’ve juggled many scenarios you might be facing. Being a working mom is hard. At times I have felt like I had it all together and other times, I felt like I was letting everyone down. I finally realized I needed to shift my mindset and the lens through which I viewed my relationship with work and motherhood. To do this, I had to get clarity on several aspects of life and surround myself with people who supported me. This show will help you do just that! Whether you’re looking to maximize your time, transform your mindset, or finally find that sweet spot between career ambition and family life – we’ve got you covered. Block off this time on your calendar as a meeting with yourself, and let’s dive in! Find more information at StoryMoments, LLC **** Want to bring these insights to your organization? Book Lacy to speak about Working Genius at your next event! Help your team transform chaos into clarity and discover their unique genius for maximum productivity and fulfillment. Visit to learn more.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
It's time to get real about your time. So often, we are upholding obligations and priorities of other people without much consideration to their impact on our own schedules. We carry the expectations of others or what we think we "should" be doing as working moms...and before we know it, we're spending time in areas we never would have chosen.
In today's episode, we're talking through how you can identify opportunities to shed others' priorities and expectations in order to get more time back in your day. I'll also be sharing one of my favorite methods that can help you analyze just where your time is being spent in order to dig into the "why".
If you're ready to take control of your schedule and own your time - this episode is for you!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Have you ever told yourself....
If I wear the right clothes, I'll be taken seriously?
If I work a certain way, I'll finally get that promotion?
If I do all the things as a mom, I'll be a great mom?
We tell ourselves a lot of stories, but rarely do we consider what we'd do if there were no expectations, pressures or judgement being placed on us.
Who are you as a working mom outside of everyone else's expectations? It's an important question to ask...and one we're diving into on today's episode. Time to get real with who you are as a working mom and what you truly want.
Let's dive in!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
One of the most common sources of guilt for working moms is missing our children's activities due to work commitments.
I have missed games and practices...and soon to be a band concert. I'm not a perfect mom by any means, but these moments don't make me a bad one. And they don't make you a terrible mother either!
In today's episode, we'll delve into the roots of this guilt, offer a more realistic perspective, and explore the positive aspects of these situations along with strategies to overcome the accompanying guilt.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
With so many projects, activities and events on our's hard to find time for ourselves. In today's episode, I'm diving into the number one thing you need in order to create a highly effective routine. But I'll warn's not what you think.
I'm a firm believer that progress is better than perfection, and living in the grey is better than black and white thinking. It's why I believe in blending over balancing.
One great way to do that, is to approach our schedules and routines with moderation. More specifically, to approach it from an 80/20 lens.
Curious how that can set you up for success? Wonder no longer! Hit play and let's dig into this theory, and its application to working moms, now!
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
To know where you're going, you have to understand where you've been.
In today's episode we're celebrating National Working Moms Day by taking a look at the history of working moms. We're diving into the past, present and future of work life balance for women striving to juggle it all.
We've come a long ways, and still have far to go. But each milestone deserves a celebration, for we are creating a new version of work life balance for future generations of working moms.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Today's episode is focused on HOW to get more time for yourself. Motivation is the spark that gets us going, habits keep us consistent and moving forward...but then life throws curveballs at us and everything seems to fall apart.
At the end of the day, discipline is what makes sure we uphold our promise to ourselves for self-care. So, one could make the argument that discipline = self-care. And, in fact, on today's show...I do make that argument!
Regardless of how you define self-care, if you're not disciplined to follow through, your promise to yourself will fall through and your priorities will once again get out of order.
Join me on this journey as we discuss the importance of discipline in our approach to self-care.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Work Life Balance. We've all heard the term, and many of us are on the search for it. We actively seek out jobs and routines that help us find more balance in our lives between work and family.
But there's a drawback to the concept of work life balance, and that is how quickly it leads us to compartmentalizing and black and white thinking.
Work life balance is subjective and difficult to quantify, making it that much harder to achieve. What's more, even when we do get to this equilibrium, the teeter totter doesn't stay steady for long. When we get out of balance, we can often feel like failures. and white thinking.
In today's episode, I explain a new concept: Work Life Blend. A more complete and attainable approach to juggling the duality of work and motherhood. One that removes the black and white thinking and sets up working moms for success.
Ready to finally get more out of your life and embrace Work Life BLEND? If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Today's guest, Germaine Foley, joins the show today to discuss her unique strategies in helping women grow savings and wealth without giving up the things they love most.
Germaine and her husband found themselves with over $200K of debt early on in their marriage. They carved their own path to digging out of the debt, and Germaine now helps other high-achieving women do the same.
Germaine Foley is a Certified Life and Money Coach and she loves helping women who like to spend, take control of their money and build wealth without losing the freedom to travel and buy nice things.
Connect with Germaine here:
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
There are a lot of transferable skills that overlap work and home. Some of the most important lessons we can teach our kids, comes from the world of sales. Effective communication, confidence, emotional intelligence...they all play a role in our lives both in and out of the office.
Whether they want to negotiate a later bedtime, ask for help at school or are interviewing for their first job...our kids will have to sell themselves or articulate a point in order to have their opinion considered.
Today's episode is geared at a few of key sales skills, how they impact kids, and strategies to begin developing your child's strengths in these areas.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Balancing work and family is a daily challenge, and the notion of taking a vacation might seem like an indulgence you simply don't have time for. But, in this episode, I'll unravel why it's not just a luxury but a necessity, exploring the transformative power of family getaways and the positive impacts they bring to both working moms and our families.
These moments of connection aren't just breaks – they're game-changers in our hectic lives. Whether you're contemplating a weekend escape or a simple day trip, tune in as I delve into why these breaks are not only beneficial but essential for our well-being and the overall harmony of our families.
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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.